WFO - News - The Cycle of Time 
World Football Organization   Football for the people


The Cycle of Time

Dear friends,

Greetings from the World Football Foundation! I trust that you all have had a good celebration of this holiday-packed time of year and that you all are celebrating the start of 2001 safely and happily.

The year 2000 was a difficult year for the WFF. Even since 1999, we have been working on the programming and information of our database. Many long hours were spent working on this process, mostly after full days at other jobs. Finally, on 16 October 2000, the database was made public. We are overjoyed at the good response that our users have had, and I personally have learned many interesting things about our favorite sport as I research questions about football's past and present.

At this moment, our database contains almost 5500 clubs from 49 different countries. While we are pleased to have such numbers, we are certainly not near the end of our project! We know that this project will never be completed and we are prepared to continue expanding with every new day.

The WFF also realizes that it is not we alone who build this database, but also our users. We count ourselves as fortunate that so many users from diverse countries and continents have come to us offering to help. Without the help of such dedicated football supporters, our project would not be in such a prime position. We gladly welcome anyone who wishes to work with us to promote football in his or her country or region.

Perhaps you have read that we are not strictly a source of information. We also are working with a number of worthwhile football causes worldwide. For example, we are working with Mr Gilbert KAMGAN of Cameroon, who wishes to establish a football school for poor children in the Sanaga River town of Edéa. We are also working with Mr Bikesh SHRESTHA of Nepal and the Nepal Football Fan Club, which he founded last year, to promote the sport in the small Himalayan kingdom. We look forward to the time when we can actively participate in the funding of such worthy development projects.

So for the year 2000, we would like to thank you for your support of our mission. Every visit to the website is another encouraging smile that fuels the spirit of work. Without an audience, our work would be in vain. So thank you, thank you, and thank you, for providing us with the motivation to serve the sport we love.

We look forward to the challenges of 2001. We hope that this will be the year we can launch a results and statistics section to our website. We also hope this will be the year that the football associations around the world take notice of the WFF and realize the potential of cooperation. I encourage you all to spread the word about our project, and to take advantage of the WFF Club Services which can be seen at our website.

May 2001 be a year of joy and prosperity for all, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe and all in between.

With best regards,
Michael Dean RANEY,
Director of Public Relations